What are the effects of money? this question scratches my brain all the time with different answers. We have the obvious answer of currency and then answers to think of like the root of evil, a angels blessing, even a lifestyle and goal to achieve. Right now, I want to focus on the evil side of money. Society and the government made money the way to live so if you don’t have money, you cannot live properly, and it is facts. Money controls our minds it’s like a hypnotizing mechanism to make us need it because since we can’t eat without money or survive without money it’s like a rat’s race to try and get more any means possible. of course, you can get a job. or even sell drugs to people. but in this case, it’s even worse. Murder for money isn’t exactly something new and shocking but killing family even a family that adopted and treated you well. killing parents for their inheritance. This is pure evil out of this world, the kind of stuff that makes your blood boil. In this source we have a kid who killed his adoptive parents with his biological mother he just met again to kill them for money. What a great influence this money is like a drug to our minds we want and need it to the point we kill? in the news article it said “This mother-son duo killed Bluml’s adoptive parents, Roger and Melissa Bluml. According to testimony, Bluml and Schaberg planned the killings because Bluml believed that he stood to receive an inheritance of an unspecified amount.” in this we see how they even admitted it the upmost evil just to get money. Don’t get me wrong I love money and chase it as much as any other, but no such thing should happen in the process money is also a blessing to help people to change lives for the better not end them and then ruin your own life. this shows how money can alter the minds and how such a little idea or opinion just to get money ended innocent lives who tried their best to save the life of the kid who didn’t have money.

Rivas , Mekita . “Murdered for Money: Five Cases That Show How Far People Will Go to Cash in.” Cnbc, 18 Jul. 2018, p. 1. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/06/murdered-for-money-five-cases-that-show-how-far-people-will-go-to-cas.html