Something that always interested me as a kid was dinosaurs. I was so fascinated by them. I could not believe that huge looking monsters existed on earth. I found their fossils so interesting. My curiosity always led me to research dinosaurs all the time. I used to watch YouTube videos and learn everything about them. I also did a lot of my school projects about them like the 100th day of school I used 100 facts about them. The educational system played a good role because I got to learn about them in class since they were part of history. And we used to take school trips to the museums so seeing their bones in real life made my obsession even crazier. but at the same time, I feel as if they did not really go over them a lot, if we went over dinosaurs, it was for a brief explanation, and we did not really have actual lessons about them. I got my knowledge of dinosaurs from my self and just loved them.  As I grew older my obsession with dino oars slowly started to fade off and I just did not really care for them as much as my interest decreased. I think the reason for this is me maturing and life hitting me to the point where dinosaurs were irrelevant. Dinosaurs do not even exist now so what is the point of me researching them and being fascinated? I also think a part of me knew my love for dinosaurs was not really going to get me nowhere. Imagine if I had so many things and assignments to do but then I dropped it to watch videos about dinosaurs. As I got older, I just realized I had way different priorities that were more important than being interested in that topic.