The Uyghur Muslims have been put in concentration camps due to China’s government More than a million Muslims have been detained in China’s Xinjiang region, where they are getting tortured in these concentration camps. Detained Muslims from these camps are subjected to forced labor, often under harsh conditions. Chinese authorities are suppressing the Uyghur Islamic practices like banning religious clothes, restrictions on religious gatherings, no fasting during the month of Ramadan making them drink, torture & abuse them, Uyghur’s in these concentration camps also faced sexual abuse the Uyghur’s are neglected and often killed. The Chinese government called the concentration camps “re-education camps and China consistently denied these allegations, claiming that its actions in Xinjiang were necessary for countering extremism and terrorism when the Muslims were innocent. Uyghur Muslims in these concentration camps is being abused, tortured, forced labor, raped, and even killed and nothing is stopping it. This is happening today not 100 or 50 years ago; it is today’s problem that is not getting fixed. my question is  why is China’s genocide against the Uyghur Muslims getting overlooked. Why isn’t there anything to help them or more awareness about ethnic cleansing? When we used to hear about the holocaust, we were so sure that it was not going to happen again and I was always baffled that it happened in the first place, how did people let Hitler get away with doing what he did? And I always thought to myself that this would never happen today. our generation would never let this slide and would do something about it or other countries would step in  and help. But it is. Why are Muslims being put in concentration camps and not getting help or the recognition this genocide needs. How are we letting an ethnic cleansing happen right in front of our eyes and not do anything about it?