A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

homework 10/5

The research topic I would like to discuss is homelessness and its contributing factors. Homelessness is so much more than just not having a place to live. There is so much that contributes to it and it can have very traumatic effects on the people it happens to, and I feel like it is something a lot of people tend to overlook. I want to research this topic because I come across multiple homeless people every day,  more than I can probably even count and my heart goes out to them because I cannot imagine how it feels to be in their position and how strong they must be to be living like this year-round. There is a stigma around homeless people that leads to them not being helped the way they should, because there is way more that could be done to help. social workers aren’t the only people who can help, there are things that can be done by regular people like you and me that aren’t being done enough. I expect to find that a lot of the contributing factors to homelessness are not in the person’s control. I expect to find this because there are things like mental illness, substance abuse, and alcohol abuse that don’t get treated and do not get taken seriously. Also, a good percentage of homeless people are kids, kids who identify as LGBTQ+, who were being treated unfairly because of ignorance, kids who were abused, and these kids simply did not have anywhere else to go. I think that we can be a lot more educated on homelessness and have more sympathy for those who it affects. I think sometimes we forget that homeless people are PEOPLE. People who have feelings and emotions. They don’t deserve to get treated the way they do just because of the fact that they do not have anywhere else to go.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Great choice of topic, Jade – I’ll direct you to my comment on Bianca’s post as it also applies here. I appreciate you raising the term ‘contributing factors’ as I think that will be instructive in your research. You also mention things like social stigma around homelessness and homeless children – these are each meaty enough topics for you to explore separately! This is a great start; the next stop is to really narrow down your research question into a specific area, and then phrase what you’re interested in studying into a question.

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