A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 10/5

For my research, I’m interested in covering the topic of homelessness. Why is homelessness rising ? What can be done to help solve this issue? This issue is a worldwide problem that seems to just grow and worsten. It is seen on a day to day basis due to the sum of numerous factors.  I’m interested in doing research on this topic because on the daily, I come across numerous victims of homelessness. I feel empathy to those that suffer with this and with my research I would like to find out what the leading cause of it is. As well as what it being done to help remedy this problem. As of right now I’m not fully informed on all the aspects of homelessness or how it impacts the rest of society. However I feel like not enough is being done to help those that are struggling and need help. Especially with the growing economy and with prices continuously rising, their is a lack of affordable housing, making it difficult for everyone in the community. I’m looking for solutions that any individual can accomplish in any, even minor help, to aid those that are in need of support from homelessness.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    This is an especially timely topic, Bianca, especially in New York City. You may have seen Mayor Adam’s recent moves to involuntarily hospitalize homeless people and recent action to suspend NYC’s right-to-shelter mandate. I encourage you to narrow down your topic to a specific geography (is it only New York City you want to study, or do you want to compare cities?). As you research more, you might decide to narrow your focus on different types of homelessness or do an overview of all the different reasons someone might find themselves homeless, or even do research on a specific type of solution that you think is the most promising.

    I’m looking forward to seeing where your questions take you! Your instinct to question the things you see on a daily basis is a good one.

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