A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 10/5

Where/how has socialism failed? Stating that it has been unable and could not work in prosperous countries seems like a hot take; however, we’ve seen countries like Venezuela or Cuba drastically rise and fall. This seems like a question I would research more because I’ve read stories of people fleeing their country because of how socialism destroyed their way of living. Despite its promise of a “good cause” for the people, it’s evident that there has been an economic pattern. In my history class, it was noted that many teachers aimed to teach students about Marxist ideologies and how they can be of good use or support in our country. Every time I pointed out where socialism didn’t seem to work, they appeared dissatisfied, or they believed that it was unworthy to point out why. So, I wanted to research and discover more about the system and the errors that led to such economic and bureaucratic failure. I expect to find the origin of this political ideology and its philosophical ideas.  I would probably find financial data and laws that are driven by socialist ideologies and how that has failed in areas of the government. I’m also expecting counterarguments to my research question, which could be a good use of my research. I’m looking forward to defining what is considered Marxist and its actual concepts (just because Socialism and Communism are two distinct things, and I want to point out that socialism is one step behind communism on the spectrum).

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    This is an intriguing and well-considered research topic and question, and I’m looking forward to reading it. Kudos to your clear-eyed approach! I’m curious to see how your research around socialism and communism will also contribute to your understanding of capitalism in our society today. Keep up the great work!

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