A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 10/05

The topic that I wish to research is ‘The Immigrant Crisis Facing the US, is it everyone’s problem and will it ever get better’. The recent droves of illegal immigrants sweeping into the United States is staggering and cannot be described nothing less than a crisis. Everyone is entitled to their basic human rights but at what cost? What cost are we the population willing to pay to allow equally rights to the illegal immigrants. How much of our comforts are we willing to give up? We want equal right and opportunities for everyone but right now the immigrants and refugees from all over the world especially south and central America need our help. Politics, bureaucracy and entitlement has clouded our ability to think rationally. To think of our fellow men. America is built on the backs of immigrants, our jobs, schools, recreational activities, hospitals, court system, government, agencies, organizations (public and private) are all intertwined and reliant on one another. How much more can it expand without being under strain or even collapsing. I am a new immigrant to the USA, but it didn’t come easy or cheap. Thousands of dollars and many years was the price I paid, and my family to be here. Is it fair for illegal immigrants to supersede immigrants who are going true the proper channels to acquire a green card to work and live make it here. All that these immigrants want is a better opportunity at life for themselves and their families. Many of the times they do the menial labor no Americans want to do so they are still very much needed in this society. No one wants to leave their homes to go to a new land to start over, but these migrants are fleeing from poverty, war, gang and criminal activity or they just want to get better life. Where does empathy end and rational begins or is this even possible? Can there be both? I wish to research the different proponents, and arguments for and against this matter of the illegal immigration crisis and gain a holistic understanding of this matter that I may not have now.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    These are all great questions, Lacey. You raise an extremely interesting viewpoint as someone who is observing this crisis as an immigrant themselves; as someone who had to go through different avenues to get to the US. To answer your question, I might even suggest you take a step back to consider the structures that have resulted in the current immigration system: why did you go through a process that required money and time, and why are others taking a different path? How much of that may have been in the control of any individual versus the influence of existing policies and structures? As a next step, I’d think about what specific angle you want to dive into more deeply regarding your question of immigration, and restructure a concise question around that.

    Also, as I mentioned to Mia, if you’re curious to study immigration longer-term and want to keep exploring these questions, come talk to me 🙂

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