A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

homework 10/5-emilio artiga

What is money? this question might seem simple but it’s really not. many definitions but there’s always mixed feelings on it. Money can be currency a form of modern time trading in a way. Then we get into the deeper meanings of money as in money is the root of all evil. Money is a form of an angel in disguise. but there’s a deeper meaning than even that. Trought time I have seen money make family turn on each other money turned into killings and people just can’t get enough. And I am no saint either I pursue money and wealth as my main goal over mostly everything in life. When doing my research, I discovered about the trade center and wall street trades and stock markets, the only way to describe it is madness and greed. sure, everyone likes money but that is what makes the passion for money into hate. money is needed to survive but the ways the rich the world leaders and governments set it up is like a rat race or a chicken fight its hysterical. billionaires whose great grand kids will be set for life benefit and will do anything to gain more money and screw the lower class in the process. the rich don’t pay taxes or get tax breaks to make more money when they have it, but why.  Is spending little of your mass money worth making it harder for others to get a chance to survive? Money is power but enough is enough. the greed will kill us all one day. I am interested in it to better myself and my desires. I feel like I have this clouded mindset and its unhealthy. I have my opinions on money, but it is needed to survive either way. But it is all curiosity in the end.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    I think money is a great topic, Emilio. I especially love your writing around the different ways money has been treated, regarded, and portrayed in society – I would say it reads as almost poetic! I encourage you to make your question even more specific so that your research can be very targeted. Is it the history of money that you’re interested in? How people’s relationships with money can change behavior? How money is talked about in popular culture? Or how our current system has set up loopholes for the rich?

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