A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 10/5/23

For my research i would like to cover the topic of abortions. Abortions has been one of the biggest controversies i have ever seen and its interesting to see how ignorant people can truly be due to their personal beliefs making them overlook what is just facts. People don’t only get abortions just because they got “knocked Up” ,i wont say that that’s never the case because sometimes, it is. It isn’t the majority of the time though. So many women and even little girls face the decision of having an abortion because 9/10 its truly what is best for them Some women have been raped, are so sick that their bodies can not handle a pregnancy, can not afford to have a child,or just aren’t ready to birth another life.Pregnancy is a big thing. It isn’t just about the baby in that belly, it is about the woman who is carrying it as well. She matters too. These are all Justifications as to why A lot of people think its wrong because in their eyes you’re just killing a baby when in reality this little baby they are fighting so hard to keep alive grows into another adult just like them and what happens when they are the child of somebody who could not provide for them? Who was not ready for them ? They are prone to endure trauma and scarcity of basic necessities being raised and resented by somebody who deep down did not want to have them in the first place.Then what? Its up to them to heal a heart they did not break and heal themselves from a wound that would not have been there if they were just born when that parent was ready to have them. Abortion is a miracle for so many women and its a shame that people think they have a say in the body and right of women. If i get pregnant and willingly know that i cannot provide for this child and will most likely resent them due to my OWN personal feelings that would be totally selfish. I understand that there are women that can not have children and my heart goes out to them, but belittling and denying the right to the women who have a choice to have one or not is absurd. Adoption is a thing. Women who don’t want to abort and give up the child for adoption don’t always realize how bad the foster care system can be and its heartbreaking the circumstances a lot of society would put a human being through rather than just let the person who created them decide whether to have them or not. I want to learn why people think the way they do and i want to provide a rebuttal of why their opinions have no place here. Abortion is between a Woman and her body and her choice because at the end of the day,She is the one going through the hardships of being with child,not you.

Gabriella Leonn

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    This is indeed a very hot-button issue, and I can feel your passion through the screen! Your next step is to take all these thoughts and form them into a specific question to guide your research. As you continue to refine this research question, I’d encourage you to look for an angle on the abortion debate that you’re not quite sure about the answer yet, versus looking only for sources that reinforce your current opinion. Is your primary motivator to understand the reasoning and methods used on the pro-life side? Is it to study the experiences of people on the other side of the debate? Or is it to investigate the organizations and industries behind pro-life marketing and information-spreading? Lots to think about here!

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