A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 10/5

The topic that I want to research is wether immigration policies should be reformed or not. I’m interested in this topic because I myself am an immigrant, and everyday I notice the struggles that immigrants and refugees are facing and how there are many policies that are working against them. Many of these immigrants are coming all this way because of many reasons, one of them being because of dangerous living situations. I feel like we shouldn’t dismiss the need for support that these immigrants are asking for because they are just trying to live a better life. In this year alone there has been an enormous influx of immigrants and refugees in the US border and its causing a crisis because the government is failing to provide the necessary resources to help them. What I want to research are the policies surrounding immigrants and if they are helpful or not. I want to know if there are policies that need to be changed or completely removed in order to benefit them more. I also want to know what is being done to tackle this influx of immigrants and what their future is going to look like. I want to be more informed in this topic because it is important to know what is happening in the country and staying informed.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    As an immigration scholar myself, I can attest that you’ve taken on a huge – and hugely important – topic! I encourage you to break down your question further so it’s easier to tackle. For example, are you curious about specific policies during certain periods of US immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act, the Hart-Celler Act, or more contemporary policies about border crossings, asylum, etc.)? Are you curious about specific immigration streams (immigrants from a certain country or region coming to the US)? Do you want to look at policy at the federal level or see what local cities (like New York City or other “sanctuary cities”) are doing? When you say whether the policies are helpful or not, what aspects are you talking about – helpful for an immigrant’s political status, well-being, safety, ability to integrate into society, etc.? Just some food for thought. I encourage you to rephrase your topic now into an open-ended question to help you narrow it down!

    Also, if you think you might be curious to study immigration longer-term and want to keep exploring these questions, come talk to me 🙂

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