A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


The topic I want to research is on “child abuse”. How does child abuse affect children’s mental health? I chose this topic because I want to research more into this case. Child abuse is a case which occurs in majority of the counties in today’s world. This is serious situation which I have seen occur in many different news broadcasts and also cases that I’ve personally witnessed privately and publicly where parents abused their children. Iam very curious to find out how child abuse will affect children’s mental health. I would like to be more aware of how this could be controlled, because based on visual knowledge, I have seen where it has impacted a whole generation of kids in society, and in many cases I don’t think children should be suffering through such an act. In this research I do expect to find information about ways it can be reduced, causes and effects and also find out approximately how much percentage of children in the world is being affected. The experience I’ve seen but not had been experiences I would not wish to see many children face. I wish to conduct this research through newspaper, information from articles and also a YouTube audio.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    This is a very clearly stated research topic and question, Akeem. Well done! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve ever had to witness instances of child abuse. I hope your research equips you with the knowledge you seek because I agree that children should not have to suffer.

    I look forward to seeing what you find about the link to children’s mental health. If you also wanted to research how child abuse is being “controlled,” as you say, please incorporate that into your research question as well.

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