When I was younger, I used to be really obsessed with dystopian movies/ Tv shows. Even to this day I still like these types of shows/movies. These shows/movies are a good way to raise awareness of societal issues because of how many societies around the world are reflected in them, as well as what can occur in the future if we don’t solve many of the problems we have today. The older I get, the more I understand how these shows/movies aren’t made just for entertainment, I can see how they might become a reality in our community. For example, in the movie “The Giver”, the educational system is a big part of the society. What they do in that society is that they erase any traits that might make someone different from another person. They make sure to suppress an individuality and any creativity one might have. Information is very tightly controlled; students are not allowed to access knowledge outside of what they are being taught so they are not aware of the fact that they are living in an oppressive society. This movie shows in a way what might happen if we every try to suppress creativity and individuality in our own society. It made me think about our educational system and how I feel like it is flawed because as a student, I feel like the things we learn are outdated and many of the things that we need to know in today’s world are not taught. For example, I feel like emotional intelligence is something that should be taught in schools. Not only should we bring awareness to mental health, but we need to teach students how communication and developing healthier ways of dealing with stress and developing healthier relationships are very important, which can help with their overall well being.