As a young boy, I have always been interested in making my family proud. I am a first-generation college student and I have always wanted to have a profession which for me has always been the medical route. Since not only is it a great profession in itself and looked highly upon but it creates a big change in a person/patient’s life. Personally, I’ve always been a fan of helping others to have a great life or be better prepped because I had to learn on my own to be better equipped with knowledge and mindset. That topic has always fascinated me and I actually am pursuing it. By asking questions to people in that field who have become medical doctors and training I’ve been able to make several connections that not only have given me an open opportunity for growth but are better informed about it. My curiosity has not changed so much I still always find myself asking questions about the unknown. The educational system has definitely helped in achieve more factual information that in the future would aid me in my medical journeys to know what is being talked about. The educational system has really given me a clear set path for me to follow with the required classes that will be necessary for me to go through in order to obtain that knowledge that in gist will help me following my career. Not only has it made me see the pathway I intend to follow but has given me room to see ahead to other options. I originally wanted to go for the associate’s degree in radiology technology and be licensed within two years and start working. However, I originally planned on one day becoming an Md (medical doctor) because it would be the icing on the cake to the top of my journey. Through the educational system, they made that dream a plan that could be achieved and so I chose to follow that route.


-Brian Tenecela