As I was reading “Later” by James Surowiecki, I found myself taking breaks in between the reading. One of the more noticeable things that made this reading a little boring and underwhelming was the fact that it was a very long reading, I actually had to print it out in order to stay a little more focused on the reading and not get distracted by my device and actually highlight physically. When I was reading there was a section where it just keeps repeating how procrastination is bad and in the long run it makes us unhappy because we put off a task for too long. It gives examples of what may happen to those that procrastinate like making illness worse and wasting money because people forget to file taxes on time. It all proves the point that procrastination is a habit we should work on and it makes sense but the paper being so long was ironic because it actually made me not want to read it and essentially not do my homework as soon as I would want to. Another thing that I noticed in the reading was that it talked about movies? and the fact that we as humans aren’t as predictable when choosing. That part of the article was one that kept getting me more confused as I tried to reread it because I’m not sure what the author was trying to show when he mentions that. I kept seeing movie titles around the pages and it honestly got me a bit distracted because in my head I would recognize it and not actually pay attention to the actual words and information in the page, that may also be one of the reasons why I found it difficult to understand that specific part of the reading.