Ater reading and annotating “Later,” I realized that it was a very boring text. I felt like it was elongated when it wasn’t necessary. it was surprising that I was only 11 pages because it felt like 20.I feel like there was too many examples for one point like the examples should have been distributed to different ideas but there were all just talking about how procrastination affects people. like talking about how 70 percent of people suffering from glaucoma risk, Americans wasting money because they don’t file their taxes on time, how it inflicts major cost on business and governments, how major procrastination in college students, etc. I think 2 examples would have been fine. I also noticed that James Surowiek vocabulary was kind of hard to understand.  some words I didn’t understand were like bureaucracy, vagaries and more that I had to research and that’s just on the first page. I keep taking breaks while reading “later” because I was so bored and needed to be mentally ready to read the next part, I felt like I kept reading the same thing over and over again. James’s tone was also boring, and I wish he could have organized the format better. At the same time though I think it was sone purposely because what I read stuck with me and as much as I was bored by it, I remember it. James’s purpose of writing this article is probably to show how important procrastination is and to avoid it and do what you must do.