In this Story there is many things I just don’t know or wouldn’t care about. for me personally what makes me like a story or even read it is if it’s interesting and this doesn’t catch my attention at all. the missing context use of big words it looks like gibberish to me. To me this type of writing is something I’m forced to read and it’s like I never read it. The only thing i could really take away from this story is the procrastination like when the author said “many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks and lists of things to do. this”. From what i understand the main character procrastinated doing a task but besides that it’s pretty boring. I don’t feel the intensity emotion or any feeling in the story its blank. Think about it like reading a blank white sheet you can look at it and realize it’s the color white and that’s about it. I feel like this reading is boring and bland. of course, I am no writer myself and know very little but for me to read I need more emotion in it not just words. As for the second part where we get into facts and statistics it gets a bit more interesting as it’s something that is fun to know like the fact that Americans file taxes late on procrastination. it’s like I can see myself reading this on a boring random day in the news. that’s how I feel on this story or article if you will where it only gets interesting when the statistics show up. And to relate to it I procrastinated on this homework witch I started hours ago and just now finishing it because it was boring. procrastinated myself through school.