Life, what is life actually and what is all about? Life can be broken down into two separate definitions. There’s life in the definition of science and all living things. But then there is life in the definition of the human experience. In this case I’m really talking about the human experience, and I would like for you to imagine the day you were born how at the time your birth impacted the people around you. There you are as a baby who then grew into a toddler followed by an adolescent child, then a teenager, and then finally an adult. You would say that your life has a been going ok even up until now however I want you to go back to the years from being a toddler to a teenager and ask yourself what that mysterious feeling or desire was and how difficult it was for people to understand the feeling and/or desire. Did you figure out what it was? If not, I can tell you that the desire you were feeling at the time was curiosity but not curiosity in the simplest terms. When I say curiosity, I mean the knowledge to understand the mysteries of the world around you and not even just the world but the universe as well to discover the ultimate truth. I can tell you two separate incidents that really had an impact on me which furthermore influenced the way I was already thinking at the time ever since toddler years.

The first incident happened when I was very young and I’m talking about in the years of me attending kindergarten. Kindergarten is like the first place you would go when you’re ready to start school unless you attended preschool first. I attended preschool and then went onto kindergarten. This was around the time where I was introduced with magic and from what I can tell you even till now it has an impact on me as I’m really interested in magic and will forever be. The classroom was rather small but not like cramped but more of a modern-day studio apartment. The floor had like hard tile, and it was white with a little bit of black spots in it, so it sorts of had a little polka-dot pattern in a sense. There was a carpet that was green on the outside but in the middle had the design of a street or road of some sorts with a bus that went all the way around. There were cubbies that pre-occupied the corners of the room and there was a door to the right of the classroom that allowed people to go use the bathroom which also served as a mini hallway. Anyways besides the small class room it was a special day as the school hired a magician to impress the kids and I could definitely say I was impressed. The way the cards vanished or how he made a quarter appear behind my hair really amazed me. Even after I asked could we hold onto everything to had to prove that he didn’t have things in a separate place and yet he still was able to pull those tricks off and that’s when it hit me that magic really satisfied my curiosity to know more and truly understand because the reality is you just can’t. Magic is miraculous and that is what I have learned from the first incident. The second incident occurred in my freshman year of high school and this is another event I could remember clearly. It was September 10th,2019 the first day of my freshman year of high school. After second period ended it was time for me to attend my government class which was on the other side of the building, and it was very difficult to navigate as the halls were crowded with students. Everyone trying to adjust and adapt eventually though I made it to class. The teacher had a bright smile on his face and was excited to see the students that he would grow to love over the next four years although he expressed some sadness over the seniors who were in their final year. The room itself seemed to reflect the overall attitude of the entire class. Bright with light coming from all directions the sun, the projector which had the teacher’s computer screen illuminated onto the wall, and the ceiling itself where the lightbulbs were. 21 tables set into 7 groups of 3 almost all but one group was complete. There was two people who would later become my closest friends and down the line introduces me to other people whom I eventually became close with. Finally, after I sat down all of the tables were filled with students and the teacher happy ready to present the topic about how the government created cereal to advertise milk while potentially exposing the benefits of milk as a lie. The floor itself was messy after class ended however the teacher was happy that the students left retaining some interesting information. This incident furthermore influenced how I want to discover more about the world around me and what secrets that the government keeps hidden from the general public.

In my opinion I think it is okay to remain curious and question everything around you because the world may not always be as it seems. People who are meant to watch over and protect their citizens often have hidden agendas or overall, just fail to protect them. Things that may be good for our health could be the opposite such as how vapes were better than cigarettes although the reality is that they are just as bad even e-cigs. There are some phenomena in the world that are just too difficult to explain and better to experience see or to be left alone. Curiosity is a great thing wanting to know more about the world is wonderful as it opens up many possibilities that haven’t been explored.