It was September 10th,2019 the first day of my freshman year of high school. After second period ended it was time for me to attend my government class which was on the other side of the building, and it was very difficult to navigate as the halls were crowded with students. Everyone trying to adjust and adapt eventually though I made it to class. The teacher had a bright smile on his face and was excited to see the students that he would grow to love over the next four years although he expressed some sadness over the seniors who were in their final year. The room itself seemed to reflect the overall attitude of the entire class. Bright with light coming from all directions the sun, the projector which had the teacher’s computer screen illuminated onto the wall, and the ceiling itself where the lightbulbs were. 21 tables set into 7 groups of 3 almost all but one group was complete. There was two people who would later become my closest friends and down the line introduces me to other people whom I eventually became close with. Finally, after I sat down all of the tables were filled with students and the teacher happy ready to present the topic about how the government created cereal to advertise milk while potentially exposing the benefits of milk as a lie. The floor itself was messy after class ended however the teacher was happy that the students left retaining some interesting information.