A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/12

It was a cold winter day while I sat in the school waiting for my mom to come to school so she could talk about my behavior. I wasn’t supposed to go to class, but I knew the class schedule, so I knew they had a gym, so I still went to play around. I quickly ran back downstairs because my mom was coming soon. I knew I was in trouble because when my mom got the call about me the day before, my mom gave me a big speech asking what I was doing in life. See, I only went to the school cause my cousin went there, and she was a good kid and two grades above me, so every teacher knew her and would ask why I couldn’t be more like her. My mom came, and then we went into the office and talked. And they said my behavior wasn’t getting any better, and they said they would expel me, and it would go on my record, or I could leave and go to a different school. They told me I couldn’t come back, and my mom decided to send me to another school.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Duval, you set up a great scene at the beginning of this piece: cold winter day, waiting for your mom at the gym. Now I want to know how you were feeling, what you were hearing (What exactly did your teachers say about your cousin? What did the school office tell you, in their words?), what you saw. I know from your previous post that your mom was a key person in your life, believing in your abilities and getting you to a school that valued your abilities. Keep working on bringing these details to life because I’m excited to see how it all unfolds for the lesson you are trying to tell your reader.

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