A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/12- Jayden James

In quarantine in the month of December it got very cold to where looking at ice made my body shiver. I had to take my final exams home, and I was completely unprepared. I was constantly on my phone or in the kitchen getting something to eat, so I never paid attention. Despite the lack of heat in my room, I was chilled. Textbooks and tests did not go well in my home. My math final required us to turn on our cameras. Since I hadn’t yet gotten the teacher assistants, had absolutely no idea what was happening as I was taking the exam. My grandmother kept calling me to help her with house chores and my mom kept blasting music to keep herself busy since she didn’t have any work. I was constantly distracted throughout taking my test and I didn’t understand what to do on the test as well. Before I knew it time was up and it was time to turn it in, I got 20 out of 100 questions done. I had an English exam after, I didn’t get to finish it as well. My Wi-Fi wasn’t working and the link to take my exam wasn’t working as well and the zoom to English wasn’t letting me in so I didn’t get to do it. When it came to studying for my exam three weeks prior, which was in science, it was hard since I was a procrastinator and the texture around me was always hard since I was on my bed. Using Zoom was also terrible. The teacher’s speaking seemed to be speaking in a foreign language to me and I never understand anything. In the afternoon, I had that exam and it felt like I had no time to do it. After all the exams I had for the the day my body felt aching and I was drained. They told us the scores on google classroom at night and I fished all three exams with an F.  If this was taken in a classroom setting I would’ve did better compared to when I did it at home . When I received such results, my education underwent a major transformation because it was clear that distant learning and confinement had a significant impact on my exam performance. When I tried to obtain help over Zoom, the teachers were unable to assist me since they couldn’t get in touch with me because they didn’t have office hours, and there were also no retakes for the examinations because they were online. This had a significant impact on my academic success.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Jayden – what a stressful situation. The way you describe the testing environment, your home situation, and all the distractions are excellent details. When you say your body felt aching and drained, I felt it, too. This is great content for a narrative that I presume will focus on learning environments. As you continue working on this, start to focus on the structure of the piece. How do you want this story to begin and end? What key points do you want to hit on for your reader?

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