A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/12

In this cold september morning, I wake up to the sound of my alarm, letting me know it’s time for class. I get up from my bed half asleep, get my computer and head to the kitchen. I am wearing my pajamas which are some shorts and a baggy t shirt. While I walk to the kitchen, I pass the living room and I see my cousin sitting in a chair in front of her own computer, paying attention to her own zoom class. Once I get to the kitchen, I see that my grandma is in front of the stove making some soup.  I go ahead and sit down on the table and open my computer to start logging in to my zoom class. The chair i am sitting own is hard which makes my body feel rigid. The light coming from the window is bright and the light from the ceiling is making the room look even brighter. The window light is giving my computer screen a glare so I shift the computer to the right a little bit so that I can see better. It is winter and it feels cold in the house so I go back to my room to get a sweater. As I wait for class to start, I can hear the sound of the soup boiling and the smell of it. I can hear my grandma talking to my cousin making sure that she understands what her teacher is saying. To my left is the fridge and the window, to my right is the entrance to the kitchen and the door to leave my house, under me are my bare feet and my slides, behind me is the sink and the stove. In front of me is the computer with my teacher now talking and starting the lesson for the day.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    So much rich detail, Mia! Your previous post mentioned experiencing Zoom fatigue and burnout during your sophomore year of high school and that your biology class was the exception. Think about the key message you want your readers to leave with, then focus your emotional camera on the parts that tell that story. Do you want to focus on waking up (perhaps it’s important to know that you’re feeling tired), or do you want the camera to zoom in on you feeling distracted during class? Some food for thought…

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