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HomeWork 9/7

One specific incident that changed the way I viewed education was when I was exactly  in  the 4th grade. There was a point in time where I was consistently struggling in math. I just had a hard time processing math problems and I needed serious help. If im being honest though I was afraid to ask for help and was really shy which didn’t help.It’s not that I was afraid of participating but I was afraid of asking for help. I told my mom about my troubles with math and she recommended a tutor. I actually thought it was a bad idea but I only agreed because some of my friends attended with the tutor. It was a lady named Tonya that tutored us and 4 other of my friends that attended it. I was shy of course but a couple of sessions in I felt very comfortable within our circle. As I said before I was scared to ask for help but my tutor made me feel comfortable, she made me feel a way where I wouldn’t feel dumb. She would tell me repeatedly its ok to ask for help. Nobody has the right to judge you for not knowing A  answer. On top of all this I actually started doing better in my class. Surprisingly math actually became my favorite subject later on in school.


Overall my point is its never A bad thing to rely on someone for help. Even talking to your parents about this can help you , like it did for me. If i had never told my mom in the first place I probably would have never had help and I wouldn’t have liked math in general. Just imagine yourself in whatever subject you hate and you never asked your teacher for help not once. Then all of a sudden , once a stranger to you can be a huge help to you. A person just coming into your life and makes you feel comfortable with asking questions. Being able to ask how do I simplify or divide exponents.  This affects the way you are in class as well. I wasn’t as shy to ask questions in class and this was all because of a tutor. I will always be grateful to Tonya because she really helped me get through a time where I have never struggled and struggling with work was new to me.


1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    I enjoyed learning about your experience with your tutor. You’ve told me a lot about how your views changed, what happened, and why that is important. I also love the shift you discuss: Overall my point is its never A bad thing to rely on someone for help.

    That’s great! But now I’d love to hear those details about what led to you changing your mind. How did you feel before, and how did you feel after? Why did you think getting a tutor would be a bad idea? What are some moments that can help illustrate that?

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