A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/7

In my experience the education system did not leave a positive impression on me. I spent  my entire school life in the same district, I grew up with the same kids since pre-k and graduated with most of them. From the 4 years I spent in high school my freshman and sophomore years were cut short due to the pandemic.  When  schooling went online I lost all motivation to put in any effort towards my classes, I wish I had chosen to keep going despite all the problems going on in the period of time. However the school staff did not make it any easier, In my opinion they were very hostile to all the students unless you were well known or honors. I completely understood because I saw how they didn’t receive as much respect as they should’ve but when I approached them for a question they would automatically have an attitude with students.

In the main office you could walk in and make eye contact with several workers and they would just keep talking to each other, if you needed help you had to speak up and interrupt them. Despite them promoting help and if you need anything just go to them or the guidance office, they were so unapproachable to students. I had spoken to my own guidance counselor 5 times in my four years there, everyone I had spoken to about them had no positive feedback. I once sat in her office for my entire lunch period my senior year after telling her secretary what I was there for and her walking by me, I had to try again another day. As well as at my graduation rehearsal, my name wasn’t on the list which meant I had no spot or tickets for the ceremony. They had told me it was my councilors mistake but when I contacted her she had to told me there haven’t been any previous issues with my graduating and it was the mistake of the lady with the list. This all just taught me growing up that if you needed something done you had to do it yourself otherwise if you ignored it, others would too.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Bianca, it makes me so upset to hear about your experiences dealing with difficult bureaucracy and administration. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

    I’m curious to hear more about the lesson you end with. I see a lot of lead-up as to why you may be disillusioned with the education system, all of which are fair critiques. However, did you also have an experience that proved to you that “if you needed something done you had to do it yourself otherwise if you ignored it, others would too”? Did you experience or witness something that helped you see that when you confronted something yourself that others were ignoring, you were able to change the situation? I’ve heard your point, now I want to see more information / evidence!

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