A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/7/2023

one event that changed my view on education was watching movies and TV shows because I found it easier to learn that way because I can go back to watch it again if don’t understand something and the way they write the characters made me fall in love with movies and make me like education way more, for example, hamilton made me fall in love with history and made me focus more in class and help bring my grade up because the way there speak and the way they taught it made it more clear for me to understand and it made me spend my own time research it more and it made me wanted to get better at history.  That is why I love movies and TV shows so much because it is something that can teach me and something that can entertain me At the same time they taught me you don’t have to know everything right now to be considered smart and you don’t even need to know everything to be considered smart. you just need ready to learn and accept new things and you need to know that you don’t everything because some people have more experience than you and some people know better and you need to be ready to take advice when somebody knows something better than you or have a better experience at something than you no matter if there younger or older than you because everybody has something to teach you and that why I love to watch movies because it taught me all of those things and more.

another thing that changed my view on education was when I was in 11 grade in World english  litutere class and we were reading about Greek mythology and rome mythology  in class made me fall in love with story and mythology and it made me want to write my own story based on all different kind of creature and all different kind mythology character and different kind mythology gods it made me want to write my own story it made me want to write story and movie and tv show for the world.it made me want to show the world why i love story and the buety on thoes thing thoes thing nad that why i love to write and that one way my view on education change.




1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Franceley, I’m very intrigued by this sentence of yours:  At the same time they taught me you don’t have to know everything right now to be considered smart and you don’t even need to know everything to be considered smart. you just need ready to learn and accept new things and you need to know that you don’t everything because some people have more experience than you and some people know better and you need to be ready to take advice when somebody knows something better than you or have a better experience at something than you no matter if there younger or older than you because everybody has something to teach you and that why I love to watch movies because it taught me all of those things and more.

    You are packing what feels like 5 ideas into one sentence, and I want to hear more! Can you share the scene when you had this realization? What helped you realize this about learning? I feel like you have a much bigger story to tell here.

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