A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/7/2023

   One  specific incident that changed my  views on education is a time when I was in high school passing through the hallways, moving to my next class when suddenly somebody came up behind me and pulled of my hijab. I felt the breeze and quickly pulled up my hoodie. I was stunned. It took me a process to understand what happen and when it registered I was livid I didn’t do anything because I thought there was nothing for me to do I wen to the guidance counseled and spoke to her about it and the school did nothing. They just told me to forgive and forget. Which obviously at the time I listened to because I always thought that whatever a teacher says is right. Which I regret till this day.

    The lesson I learned in this situation is to not rely on somebody to help me. What that kid did was illegal and I should have taken matters into my own hand. I should’ve called my parents and let them know and they would have handled it from there but I decided to listen to a higher authority and to keep quiet about it. This event had multiple lessons for me. It also showed me that just because someone is older than me doesn’t mean they are always right and that I should defend myself next time. I shouldnt depend on what other people think about my ways if it’s helping myself and making me feel better. If I can go back in time I would’ve pressed charges and taken legal action. And I knew I could do this at the time I just didn’t because I thought that older/higher education individuals were right. Even though I regret that u didn’t listen to myself I know for the next time and to do what I think is right.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Yusra, I’m so sorry that happened to you. It can be disillusioning to discover that the systems and people in power do not use that power fairly, and it can feel like an utter betrayal. You deserved respect and protection in that situation.

    What do you wish was different about the education system as a result of your experience? What do you wish educators and educational staff, like your guidance counselor, would do or know to treat their students more fairly? Some ideas to think about as you continue developing this piece…

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