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Coming to my 8th grade year my mind shifted to a new state where I felt like the knowlegde being taught was irrelevant to life and wasn’t gonna teach the key aspects of life. I felt I was advanced to know this at an younge age only being 13 turning 14. My mother a key person in my life, also enhanced my awareness on this idea that school is a system used to control and keep people limited but you go through it to get to where you wanna be. And I’ve kept this mindset throughout high school and until now.

When I was sitting in History class I spoke to myself why are we learning this we’re being taught the past for what. Even in AP Gov & Politics being taught the law is useful but I wonder how is this gonna make me successful in life to make money. I really didn’t like school I just like being around my friends, but went through it to get that high school diploma and make my mom proud. Through my expierences I feel like college is a scam only if you are goin there to be a doctor, lawyer, nurse , or any other profession that requires a degree. I took trade school instead because I know it’s something valuable when you have that certificate under your belt and they make good money. We all know money isn’t important but we know this is the world we live in so we have to do what we have to do.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Brian, while I agree that many topics in school may not feel relevant for life, I would argue that the point of school and education is to teach you how to think. That being said, I am curious to hear about your mom as an influential figure, teaching you the life lesson (which I agree is valuable) about keeping with school until you “get to where you wanna be.” This is the shift I am curious about, and I want to hear more about this in the details you share as you continue working on this piece. You also made some interesting points in your previous post about skipping a grade, demerits and merits, and molding students as robots… You give me such juicy information; now I want to hear why all these moments matter!

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