A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Ty Hill

When the covid pandemic started I was just starting the 9th grade.It cut my school year and ended my basketball season earlier.At the time I was very dissapointed but also a bit happy school wasn’t in session. Throughout out most of the pandemic I didn’t really take online school seriously and because everything was online it was easier to get away with things.

The transition back to school since the pandemic my 11th grade year was pretty rough.Most classes I felt loss in and school just didn’t feel the same.There were tons of new faces and new rules in place.At the time I felt so sad because I missed out on a portion of my life in highschool.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Ty, you are completely correct that the pandemic was an unfair thing to go through, especially for students in school.

    When I read your post, I feel like I’ve been set up for a great story about a lesson you learned through this experience, but then it ends! I’m curious to hear more about what lesson you picked up through this experience, and how you came to that conclusion. Something to think more about in class today.

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