A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Homework 9/7

In 1-4, I wasn’t the best Kid. I went to A Bilingual school but only spoke one Language. I had no purpose for going to the school, but that was the best school in the Area. The school Facilities didn’t like me. They used to tell my mom I was too energetic and that I might have ADHD when I was only just a delighted kid. It got to the point where they kept complaining to my mom and told me I should see someone; my mom took me to one Doctor. They said nothing was wrong with me, then downplayed the Doctor’s Knowledge. Another incident happened; they forced me to go to a different Doctor. Then I got suspended, and they said I couldn’t return unless I saw another doctor. They were so determined to try to find something wrong with me. My mom decided this would be my last year there. They didn’t accept me for who I was. If my mom didn’t know and loved me, I would probably be on Drugs and depressed.
I started my 5th grade, and the Staff loved me. They put me in the innovative class because of the learning I received at the other school. Suddenly, my grades started to go up. I discovered that I was good at Math and loved it. I put all my Energy towards basketball. I wasn’t the best, but I could play. As I grew up, I noticed nothing wasn’t anything wrong with their inability to control me and use my gifts. I am grown enough to know that if my environment or place doesn’t help my talents or weaknesses, that is not where I want to be, and I should speak up.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Sounds like you have an awesome mom. I’m so glad she was around to advocate for your health!

    As I grew up, I noticed nothing wasn’t anything wrong with their inability to control me and use my gifts. >> This is a bit confusing to understand. Sometimes reading back what you write out loud can help you catch grammatical issues.

    I am grown enough to know that if my environment or place doesn’t help my talents or weaknesses, that is not where I want to be, and I should speak up. >> I love this lesson, Duval. I want to hear more about how you came to this realization. When you say that “suddenly” your grades started to go up, I’m sure there’s more to the story here. I think this would be a great place to focus for your next assignment.

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