From what I have seen so far, the “ingredients” for an educational narrative has to do with perspective, experience, and power. When I mention perspective I mean from different points of view as everyone who would each have their own perspective about a topic could form different opinions. The opinions about a topic could then be shared which could enlighten people in different ways even me. Experience could be seen as either first hand or second hand meaning I could’ve have experienced something on a personal level or in the case of second hand knew someone who did experience something that I could possibly relate to without having to experience it. The reason I say experience is because you could share what you learned from it with others who could either to do what you did or how to avoid experiencing what you did although it does depend on the situation. I said power because I’m talking about knowledge which comes from experience and perspective. By using what you learned from a situation whether it is good or bad allows you to also form an opinion around that which could that shape your perspective on the situation for future reference. Now with the knowledge gained from the situation you have the power to enlighten others or keep it for yourself and in some cases possess the power to create fear and panic by spreading misinformation or twisting the knowledge of what you learned. A place that I think would be good to start my own educational narrative would probably be a place where you grew up because watching as things change for better or worse a small part of you might want to help people out by educating them about the world around and ways they could contribute.