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Homework 9/7 – Brian Tenecela

Are adversities important? What is adversity? Well as with most things, we acknowledge the existence of things, learn, and continue on with our lives. However, going through adversities and their importance is something that should not be overlooked.  I say this because everyone undergoes adversities but it is what we learn and proceed to do as a result of it.  One experience I underwent and as a result changed my views on education as a whole was my first year of college as the graduating high school class of 2021. The COVID pandemic was still present in my first year of college but it was slowly starting to fade as the number of cases dropped and people were beginning to take the COVID vaccines that started being available for the public. I would first like to state my last two years of High School were altered by COVID-19 and as a result had virtual classes/learning. I had convinced my job to work full time while in my last year of high school which was the beginning problem to the downfall that proceeded that came afterward of finishing my first year of college because I had decided to do overtime. Learning and reading the educational narratives we have gone over in class can be related to my perspective. One example is from Maybe I Can Save Myself by writing by a Latinx student in the sense they state “I am trying to fit in” The author shares their difficulties with coming to acceptance of themselves in society. They have the notion they don’t belong where they are and that they are better off being somewhere else. I too felt that I was not doing enough, that I could do more which is why I decided to manage work and school. However, in my case, I leaned towards work more than school.


I was getting all my assignments done and keeping up with the learning that we were going over in class. It was all going great but like that saying “All great things come to an end” by Geoffrey Chaucer I got caught up at the end. Not only did I make the big mistake of working overtime 12+ long-hour shifts. I unfortunately filled up my time to the point I had no leverage for my finals. Not even that but I didn’t follow up to exactly when they were going to happen. I missed some of my finals and as a result, was automatically given a failing grade for two classes. Then what I underwent that following year made me realize that just because I failed some classes, I wasn’t a failure. Simply because I missed my finals did not make me a failure at all, wanting to be great in all aspects was not wrong. I just did not organize myself well on time. Knowing that all I can correlate that with my perspective with education. Education is great and everyone is capable of learning. Everyone is capable of anything they put their mind to and they should not be told otherwise.


– Brian Tenecela

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Going to work and school at the same time can be really difficult – I know from experience! I’m impressed that you managed to juggle it all, up until the end when you missed your finals.

    There are two sentences I’d like to explore more / have suggestions for:

    I had convinced my job to work full time while in my last year of high school which was the beginning problem to the downfall that proceeded that came afterward of finishing my first year of college because I had decided to do overtime. >> There is a lot going on in this sentence; it’s doing a lot of work. I’d suggest you slow down a bit more. What are you trying to tell the reader? How can you make what’s going on more clear?

    Then what I underwent that following year made me realize that just because I failed some classes, I wasn’t a failure. >> This is a beautiful and important lesson. I want to hear MORE about this. What happened the following year? How did you come to this realization? This would be a great place to start for your next post!

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