The ingredients or conventions to the education narrative genre is to learn either through writing or from your past. writing on things that bother you or even on your life can be life changing because of the way you express yourself in writing you look at things differently. for example, in the Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” by the Latinx teen as he wrote he learned more and actually wanted to help people in his situation of not fitting in and being an outcast wherever he goes. writing helped him see things differently.  As well as in “The Fourth of July” by Audre Lorde we see how she faced racism with her family, and it ruined her graduation gift. and writing about it can help others to take it in as well as even change the minds of racist people and really see the anger and damage caused it’s like teaching them with your life in a way. A way to get started with my own education narrative is to reflect on my life and something I want to teach myself and others with my life and in that case, it would be to learn how to be at peace with yourself and to always keep your composure. my question and concern of writing one of my own would be what I would be comfortable saying and what wouldn’t I be. there are many things I keep private in my life that make up my past and how I act and who I am. If I were to write my concern would be what to say because I don’t share my feelings or past with anyone only things, I’m comfortable saying.