From what I’ve read so far, the ingredients of the education narrative genre is to include a personal story that relates to the topic you are going to write about. In this  way, it can pique the reader’s attention in the narrative and perhaps even offer a relatable experience. Jose Olivares writes for a specific audience which is teens who feel like they don’t belong anywhere. He uses his writing as an outlet for the things he lived through as a Mexican-American person while also trying to show the readers that they too have a voice and hopefully feel less alone in their similar experiences. He wrote about a lot of different things which I could relate to myself, which made me feel understood and keep wanting to read more. To start my own education narrative, I want to be able to successfully connect a personal narrative I may write, with whatever topic I’m writing about. I want to get my point across in a clear way while also being able to write in a way that the reader can put themself in my shoes if they don’t share the same experience.  A question I have regarding this topic is, when the time comes to write our own education narrative, is it gonna be based on a specific topic or are we gonna choose our own? A concern I have is if I’m going to be able to write an interesting education narrative in order to keep readers focused on my writing.