After reading and annotating on “The fourth of July” by Audre Lourdes and ” Maybe I could save myself by writing” by Jose Olivarez I have come to realize that some key ingredients and attributes to writing an educational narrative is to include your truths, opinions, point of view and most importantly to write what you feel. If you pay attention to all the articles we have read so far they go in deep explanation on how they feel and truly express their feelings. Just like how Audre did in ” The fourth of July”. She expressed so much confusion on why they were being kicked out of the ice cream shop.When A author is able to express how they feel, for some reason you are able to connect to them and feel what they are feeling. Even if you had never been through what they have been through. A good place to start with my education narrative would be , how can I make the reader feel what I feel. How can I make the reader Imagine what it would be like to be me. I feel as if you do this you grab the audiences attention , they get reeled into reading the article. It’s all about how you go out and present yourself in my opinion. If I had a concern or question about writing an education narrative on my own it would be on how can I talk about my truths and opinions on things without having the reader not be bored.