As we all have been exposed to the education narrative everyone has shared their own elaborative thoughts which weren’t so much on the positive side but that is fine since there are other people out there in the world who might think the same. However, this shouldn’t discourage us from learning from this type of genre because it is one of the many forms of writing and one that is primarily based on perspective views and experiences containing knowledge of subjects undergone.  As we have read from Mike Bunn in How to Read Like a Writer he shares his words of wisdom on the subject of writing. How powerful writing can be and his beliefs to the audience through experiences he underwent/faced. In the writing Maybe I Could Save Myself by a LatinX teen in Chicago he explains how he felt like he did not fit in with society. The LatinX teen explains his journey/experiences on how his being in Mexico would fix that issue but unfortunately, it did not. However, later through writing he realized how great power he had through writing to share with people through his poems and followed his mentors to higher extents. The third example of education narrative is The Fourth of July by Audre Lorde and how her racial challenge within her family made her overthink throughout her life up until the inappropriate encounter with the waitress who made a comment that the family did not take so contently. However, having gone through it Audre was able to better strengthen her ideas and morals in life. Throughout our learning of education narrative, the “ingredients” that have come across are the tone of the text, the perspective of the author, the style of writing, and evidence/resources used to back up their writing. A place I would say would be a great starting point for my own education narrative would be a previous experiences/harships where perhaps I learned something of educational value such as coming in for extra help, volunteering to teach others or to even something as basic as showing up to class everyday and write on it. An educational experience I’d like to share with the class that I’d like feedback on to use as my educational narrative piece is to never give up on your work wether it be school work or a goal you set in place for yourself.


Brian Tenecela