In the article mike bunn says “you are already an author”  i think by that he means we all write in our own ways we just have to imoprove it and make it better. bunn is also trying to implie that we all are authors we just have to read like authors and get used to asking ourselves questions when we read.  In the writing bunn kept saying the key to write like an author is read like one.  Think about it we use writing almost everyday. I use it for texting, sending gmails, writing captions or commenting on post it may not be considered the best but it is the writing and im the author. This essay  actually did change my perspective on writing. I never really thought about questions before I read or even during. I never realized that an author purposefully sets a tune or genre for what the topic will be. Every time I read a boring essay that felt so repetitve, I didn’t realize that was done on purpose becasue it was an informative writting and trying to get me to remeber something. I feel like this will for sure change the way i writre now becuase before i didnt really find it important to set a tone and try and match the writing to attract the audience and now that ive read the essay it now know how important it is to do so. something i noticed about bunns article is that i feel like he repeated himself a lot I kind of also felt like he stretched it out too much. i think it could have made it way shorter. but i think he purposely did this to make sure it stuck with us and actually taught us to be better writters which was smart. he was using the tone of a teacher. i liked that bunn did that and i will for sure carry on using those techiniques if i have to do an informative writing or teach an audience in my writing.