After reading the article when Mike Bunn says that “You’re already an author” I think he is talking about our everyday experience because everything we do involves writing. Somethings that I have already written has to do with essays in high school that involved analyzing a text or trying to figure out why did the author use rhetorical devices to convey a message. I had to write at least 3 pages that involved analyzing quotes based on monologue given by the characters in the text. This existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career as it will allow me to grow and sharpen my writing skills as well as reading. My major is computer engineering and also in the future I would also like to make video games but in order to do that I would have to be able to write and read clearly so it is easier for others as well. There wasn’t anything I noticed in particular regarding his article however I did notice that he kept mentioning to read like a writer and that is something I am interested in trying. I want to try reading like a writer because I believe it would help me gather insight on how to improve my reading so I can convey it better to my audience. Like even now I want to improve my writing so when I turn in any written assignments it is clear and the person reading it would be able to understand what I am saying.  Bunn also said to have a broader prospective. I want to try that because my perspective is broad but I dont think that it is on the level of what Mike Bunn is talking about. I want to sharpen my skills in the future so when I focus on my career and make games on the side people would be amazed by it.