When Mike Bunn referee’s to us as a author already it gives me a sense that he’s trying to persuade us that we are already authors and it really does make sense if you look at it his way. When we text , write an essay, post captions on social media, and you can even argue as well when talking to someone. We create our own sense of words and what we are feeling into these responses. You don’t need to publish a book to have the title author. I feel as if whatever you are writing is authentic and it comes from you , of course you can have the title of being a author. Regardless if you are texting someone or writing a response for an assignment like I am right now. My goal is to convey information to the reader and we do that everyday. An authors main goal is to inform, persuade, and entertain their readers. Back track and remember what you have done from the beginning of your day, to the end of your day.If you really dig deep enough you can figure out we do all three of these main goals everyday. Reading like an author and having the mindset of you already being an author can help with my college reading and writing career because you are able to understand the writer of the article you are reading on better. You having the ability to be on par with another author gives you the chance to really get them and you can use that as an advantage to when you are writing. Something I noticed Bunn did that was very good of him was him persuading me as a reader to think i’m in author.He really pulled me in as the reader and informed me that I am in fact an author myself. I hope one day i’ll be as persuasive as he was.