What I think Mike Bunn means by saying “you are already an author” is that when we read anything like an email or an article, we already read like writers because we try to find exactly what the email or article is saying and  in the end we begin to start thinking like a writer. Getting in the point of view of the writer by analyzing every word and the connotation or context behind the writing and thinking about what the author wanted to convey with each sentence is reading like a writer. While trying to analyze the text, we can find things that we might wanna use in our own writing. Reading in this way can help us write better because we might pick up on writing strategies used by other authors and apply them to our own work. Some of the things I write are emails or texts and I think that after reading this article, trying to find different writing styles and ways to catch the reader’s attention can help me write better and target the audience I want successfully. For example, something Bunn did in his writing that I want to try to do in my own writing is starting my essay with a question or a quote that gives context or is related to what my piece is going to be about. This way I can capture the reader’s attention and prompt them to read more. Another thing I can do is start with a descriptive anecdote that can transition into the topic I am going to write about. I want to use these techniques in my own writing so that I can become a better writer. Additionally, when reading an article, I want to remember to ask myself questions like what is the targeted audience or what is the purpose of the author’s writing.