A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Hi, I am Lacey

Hi, I am Lacey. This is my second semester here at City Tech. I am from Trinidad and Tobago originally and currently live in Brooklyn.

I am excited to start and be part of this class. I look forward to the different literature we will be exposed to and the topics we will have to write about. I love reading, learning new things and expressing myself true my writing.

I love taking notes and making notes from the relevant textbooks but as the work piles on this become difficult to maintain. I hope to find more balance this semester to ultimately get better grades.

This summer was relaxing and filled of many memories I made with family and friends. This is picture of my visit to Washington DC with my family 2 weeks ago. This trip was very educational, and we visited most of the sites, but I still have to make it to Capitol Hill so maybe on my next trip.


1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Lacey! I think Perusall can help you with your goal of keeping track of all your notes. I find it convenient to use and easy to reference later on. I recommend you explore it to use it to its full potential!

    I was also in DC earlier this summer. I hope your visit wasn’t as muggy and humid as mine 🙂

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