Gabriella Leon

After Reviewing “How to Read like a writer” by Mike Bunn , when i hear “you are already a author” i believe that it means that i already know how to write its just a matter of discovering these skills and learning when it is appropriate to apply them. Learning Writing styles is a prime example of learning specific skills that improve your writing. Personally,i write in a journal on a daily basis.In this journal i write my inner thoughts,emotions,goals,anything you can think of really..i use my journal as a form to express myself. In this journal i talk in a matter of second hand person point of view,if somebody were to read it they’d think i was talking to them.Over the years i have mastered the skill of perspective in my writing and realized how much of a difference it provides for a reader.I have a spam on Instagram i usually make posts and rant about random subjects,using polls to hear opinions from my followers , silly things mostly. although the prompt is asking for me i have a special friend Rihanna that writes the most captivating journal entries on her Instagram ,even hearing her speak she has a way with her words tending to grasp your attention for however long she speaks.Its like you feel like she is personally speaking to you when she writes and i love that feeling. The skills that Rihanna and i have acquired will allow us to hold the attention of readers .That an extremely helpful talent.The way i write in my journal or on my spam page helps me to identify the tone of whatever i’m reading and the tone can help me understand things that i don’t quite know. For example if i can identify that the tone of the text seems gloomy or depressing,if i don’t know a specific word i can use the context skills and mood to pin point it has something to do with sadness.

Something that i noticed in Bunns article that i would like to apply in my writing is how to understand a text based on the genre.In the article Bunn states, ” Because the conventions for each genre can be very different ( who ever hard of a 900 page newspaper article?) techniques that are effective for one genre may not work in another ” i feel like once you learn to differentiate the genres within writing you can fully learn how to thoroughly read through a text.i want to learn how to properly use a technique and which texts they would specially work for and ones that they don’t.