A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Hi it’s me Tariq

Hey, it’s me Tariq

This year is the start of my freshman year of college at City Tech. When it comes to this class, I would say that I am feeling rather anxious because it is a new environment for me. Even though it is a change of environment I will adapt and make new friends. I also want some new opportunities.

When it comes to studying, I find myself doing good when I listen to music and in my own space. I need to improve on time management because I procrastinate or if I’m bored or tired I would stop studying and do something else.

1 Comment

  1. Annie Wang

    Hi Tariq, feeling anxious is natural during the first few weeks of school, but I encourage you to lean into the excitement of it.

    Sometimes during class you’ll have time to start the readings and assignments for the next class. Feel free to bring your headphones and listen to music during these times if it helps!

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