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Week 8, Class 1


Today, we have our MIDTERM!!!!

I will post the file for that once class has begun.


  • Go over a few more type reports
  • Introduce the Zine Project: we will talk through it a bit and look at some samples.


  • Think of your subject for the Zine Project.
  • Write a 3 paragraph essay about your subject on your ePortfolio for tomorrow. Include a couple pictures if you can. We will be going over these ideas tomorrow, so have something to talk about ready or you will look a bit foolish.



The word “nice” that is on the bottom does not work. The leading is misplaced and slanted. As well as the kerning being too far apart between the “n” and the “i” meanwhile the rest of the word is placed well together. The word “happy” that is above it is better but the kerning is much too tight between the two “p’s”. The word “chimera” on the very top works the best out of the three. The work is well spaced and the letting is well done and spaced well.

Class One


  • introductions: Biographical Name Tags
  • Objectives of the class ŸŸ
  • Materials: we need to get these by tomorrow, so we may break early for that.
  • History of the Letterform ŸŸ
  • Calligraphy, lettering, or typography? ŸŸ
  • How we read ŸŸ (on, you may need a subscription to see this at home)
  • Legibility vs. Readability



Read these pages under the History tab of this site.


Take at least 20 pictures of typography or lettering in your neighborhood. Write at least 2 paragraphs on your Open Lab ePortfolio on what that typography tells you about your neighborhood. Add an image or two to your entry and save the rest for a later project.


Get your supplies for tomorrow. This one is imperative!