Relief Printing

My first time doing relief printing was bit of a challenge for me, but at the same time it was quite exciting. Being exposed to this kind of art was very eye opening. I was unable to identify ten different types of typographical anatomy with my letter, and was only able to find six. It was interesting to find out the different names for the terms and how similar some of the names are related to human body parts.2014-02-21 12.43.59

Again I repeat, this being my first time attempting relief printing it was a tough task.  I believe I could of done a lot better with the kerning. The spacing was to far apart and I was not able to get some of the letters on the baseline. I still had a lot of fun part taking in this and I feel like I have a better understanding of type and its anatomy. I find myself now more aware of how the type looks off and how it should look.2014-02-21 12.38.12

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