Set aside the fact that this cover is for a broker dealer magazine and just look at the school of little fishies and orcas. They are absolutely adorable. Jessica Hishce could’ve used this for a children’s book or put it in a caldendar. It’s so versatile. Imagine this cover being animated. Like the classic: title showing on the screen before the camera sinks below into the fish and orca. You can practically hear the bubbles as you go under. The text ‘BIG FISH’ kind of reminds me of a fisherman’s boat as it rocks on the waves, with its letters just barely aligned and the ‘I’ in ‘FISH” sinks just a little lower than the rest of the letters. The “boat” seems ready to drop anchor and catch the money as they swim by unsuspecting. Or it could be that the orca are the “big fish” and the school of small fish themselves are unsuspecting, minds wrapped in their own little bubble, thinking that they are safe. Either way, the cover is adorable and I love it.