Hello everyone,

My name is Dulce Tepi, I am 18 years old but I’ll be turning 19 on November 19. I can be extremely shy at first but that fades away pretty quickly. I am the youngest of three. I have a pretty big, crazy and loving family including a beautiful white pitbull. I’ve lived in brooklyn most my life but I was born in a small town in Mexico. Some of my hobbies include reading, baking and spending time with the amazing people in my life.

My Pitbull, Piccolo

My Pitbull, Piccolo

Like anyone else I’ve changed my mind about a hundred times on what I want to do as a career. Since I was in middle school I decided that I wanted to be a pastry chef. Therefore when it was time to apply to high schools I chose a school in which I could make this possible. Thoughout my high school career I was already taught about the industry and given opportunities to hands on work. I worked as a pastry assistant for the last couple of summers in a catering company. Then went on to be a pastry intern at Union Square Cafe. I was offered a full time job but had to decline it since I wanted to focus on college. Although I wanted to become a pastry chef I figured I could always have that as a backup plan.

I got a preview of City Tech this summer so I’m pretty familiar to where everything is and where I can get help. My technology skills are pretty basic and almost non existing. Although I love to read my writing skills need a lot of improving. My biggest weakness in writing would probably be my digression as well as not transitioning well. If I had to rate my happiness like in the article right now I would probably be at a 7+. My expectations for this course are to improve my writing.