The Soda Ban Is Back!

several sizes of Coca Cola

A few months ago, I wrote about the City rejecting a possible Soda Ban by Mayor Bloomberg. The law would have barred restaurants, movie theaters, and food carts, from selling sodas and other sugary beverages, larger than 16 ounces. In March, just one day before it was to take effect, a state judge found the policy to be illegal. But it looks as though Mayor Bloomberg couldn’t leave well enough alone, and has continued his fight to get this bill passed. His attempt to limit the size of sugary drinks in New York City, is set to be reviewed by the state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. This will be his final chance to salvage a plan, that has twice been rejected by judges, as improper.

What’s the good news for you soda lovers? Well, The Court of Appeals is not planning to take up the case until next year, when Mayor Bloomberg is out of office, leaving the decision to pursue the case up to the next mayor. While Bill de Blasio, the Democratic nominee, has supported this bill in the past, he has now changed his tune, choosing to remain ambiguous. The Republican nominee, Joseph J. Lhota, on the other hand, has said that if elected, he would withdraw the city’s appeal, allowing the proposed regulations to die.

Mr. Bloomberg and the soft drink industry both issued statements, each saying it was confident that it’s side would eventually prevail at the Court of Appeals.

You’d think with all the problems going on in the world, so much focus wouldn’t be on SODA!!!