A Travel Through Time: The Metropolitan Museum

If you know me then there’s a good chance you’re well aware about my obsession with science fiction. It’s the ultimate combination of imagination and wild scientific theories, which can lead to amazing stories and fascinating concepts. One concept that particularly blows my mind is the idea of time travel. To me, going to The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a travel through time. The museum is the time machine, and my legs are the tools which will take me as far back into history as my energy lets me. Walking through halls filled with Roman sculptures and Egyptian coffins, standing in rooms filled with weapons held by ancient military, and appreciating the strokes of paint made on canvases from 300 years ago is an experience like no other.

a water fountain in front of historic, pillared building

a man in glasses and a beanie hat in front of a painting  a partly in-tact white marble statue of a person

three nuns in white habits looking at a painting

Dia: Beacon

Beacon, New York is one of my favorite places in the country. It’s a little town that quietly lives within the array of mountains that surround the Hudson River. It’s filled with nice artistic pieces, good-tasting food and great people. The Dia: Beacon art museum is a gallery that is home to some of the best contemporary art that dates back to  the 1960s and 1970s. None of the art here is traditional, they all physically use space and light as  subjects of creativity. The architecture of the building and lighting of the rooms are just as important as the artworks themselves, it’s what makes the work unique. For any readers who want to take a trip to Beacon and visit this museum, just take the Metro-North train from Grand Central Terminal up to Beacon, New York. It’s an hour and a half train ride. A round-trip ticket is just over $30, a Dia ticket is $15 ($12 for students), and the experience is priceless.

cars parked on a town street

A street view from Beacon, NY.

silver circles and squares on a hardwood floor

“The Equal Area Series” by Walter De Maria


a glowing light stick in an empty room corner



Glowing light sculpture made of circles in an empty room corner

The two light sculptures are untitled works from an artist named Dan Flavin.