Homemade Ramen Burger


After two attempts at getting into Smorgasburg, which is nearby City Tech, my brother and I finally got our hands on the Ramen Burger. The hype is real! The textures I experienced in my first nibble both confused and satisfied. As a foodie, I was trying to guess ingredients with every bite. Before I could decipher the sauce, the last morsel was devoured. My brother and I looked at each other; sharing mirrored expressions that said, “challenge accepted.”


1 packet ramen noodles
1 egg

Burger ingredients:
burger patty
curry powder (optional)
lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, etc
bacon bits or bacon flavored Onion Crunch
cheese slice (optional)
fried egg (Optional)


1. Cook the ramen noodles according to instructions, I significantly reduced the seasoning powder so that the “bun” would not be too salty.
2. Drain the noodles. Place noodles in a medium bowl and mix in an egg. thoroughly mix in the raw egg with the noodles so that all the noodles are coated. The egg is what is going to bind your noodle bun together.
3. Split the ramen noodles in half. Pour into 2 large cylinders/ramekins that are about the size of a hamburger bun. Wrap plastic wrap over container and press down to firmly pack noodles. Add something on top to add a little weight. I added a tupperware bottom and then put a heavy can on top of that. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes to let set.
4. Meanwhile, heat up/cook your burger patty. I made a free form patty with some ground beef, salt and curry powder to add some more Japanese flare. Heat up your frying pan with some oil. Flip over your ramen noodle container upside down so that the noodle bun slides easily into frying pan in one piece. Fry for a few minutes on both sides until noodles become slightly crispy.
5. Add in patty and additional toppings of your choice.


a stack of noodles

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