
Timeline: Very Broad

Terms to know for quizzes

Timeline: Ancient Greece

Slide Formatting Example

Discount Theater Tickets

PLUTO Data Dictionary

Prof. Chin’s Drawing tutorial

How to draw a straight line

1 point perspective drawing

2 point perspective drawing

PowerPoint Animation info

Examples of Exceptional Demonstrations: Ariz Flores, United Palace


The City Performs: An Architectural History of Theater in New York, (ArcGIS Story Map)
ArcGIS Story Map of all known theaters in New York City from the colonial period to 2000.

Theatre Database, Art and Theatre Institute, Prague
Eurocentric, but ever-expanding. Includes examples of buildings in North America, Asia and South America, as well as historical images and plans of theatrer no longer standing.

Spotlight on Broadway
Architectural and production histories of Broadway theaters.

NYPL, Digital Image Archive
Click on “Show Public Domain Items” on upper left to sort. If a desired image doesn’t appear this way, unclick and do a search. Most digital images at NYPL are usable without license if downloaded as low-resolution image 760px. Make sure you provide credit for use. NYPL generates citations for you.

Low-resolution images. NYPL allows free use of low-res images from their archive.  Searchable database by geographic region down to the city block and year of photograph.

Museum of the City of New York Digital Collection
Researchers may use, free of charge, copies of low-resolution images from the Collections Portal for non-commercial use, such as illustrating a school paper or website, or for study. Each image must be accompanied by the following credit line: [Name of creator] / Museum of the City of New York. [Accession number]. If the image will be posted online, please provide a link back to the catalog record in the Collections Portal.

Wikipedia Commons
Search the Wiki Commons Database for license-free use. Remember to cite information provided at the bottom of the page below the image. Also record the Creative Commons license provided for the image.

Creative Commons Search
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Digital Public Library of America
Searchable database of open source material. Remember to always give credit for images used in presentations.

Public Domain Image Repositories
Guidelines for using images and a list of repositories. Always remember to credit source, even if open source.

History of the Public Theater at Astor Library, Dan Dalyrimple

Digital Theatre +
A subscription database for undergraduate students. Includes histories, theory, interviews, and productions.

Genius Song lyrics

Project Gutenberg

City Tech Library Databases

Interactive Feature: NYC Metropolitan Opera

OER, Copyright, and Fair Use

Library Quiz

How to use Creative Commons Licenses

What is Copyright? What is Fair Use? 

Copyright and Fair Use Prezi, Nora Almeida

Architectural History of NYC Theater

Common Lit (open)

OER Commons Archive

Learning Module, Sex and Gender

Gender and Sexuality OER Textbook

Syllabus: History of Architecture and Urbanism in NYC


Open Attribution Builder

Wayback Machine

Bibliography Tool

MLA Formatting Guidelines, Purdue

Image Copyright Guidelines, Boston College



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