
Due Thursday February 1, before the start of class

In the reading this week, Christopher Balme cites the theorist Max Herrmann in order to explain the unique spatial quality of the theatre arts. Herrmann writes that “In the art of theatre we are not dealing with the representation of space but with the execution of human movement in theatrical space. This space is however never or hardly ever identical with the real space that exists on stage.” Herrmann’s point, I think, is that two overlapping types of space occur in performance — theatrical and real. In 3-5 sentences, describe any moment in your life where you have experienced the sense of double spatiality. Your example does not need to be from the theatre. Make sure the reader understands the different qualities of the two overlapping spaces and how these spaces were produced. 

Write your full name and section number at the top of your post. 

19 thoughts on “Space

  1. jacqueline_f

    Jacqueline Flores D273 

    Double spatiality can also be seen as masking. Masking is seen as acting one way to acting differently in a certain situation to disguise oneself. A time when I experienced double spatiality was when visiting my friend’s office job. Outside of the office, we can laugh and joke around wear whatever we want and be unprofessional. However, when in an office environment we have to be professional, quieter to not disturb others, and wear clothes that fit an office setting. Something I don’t usually do however in a different setting I have to change to accommodate those around me. In different environments, people are prone to change and mask to fit different environments.

  2. Julio Capellan

    A moment I feel relates to “double spatiality” in my life is when I am in the gym. One goes to the gym as most do, the common goal to live a healthier lifestyle. Yet, I find myself in the gym more so to have a free and clear mind, to not worry on things outside of the gym, but yet only what I’m doing currently. In a moment my body is focused on moving the weight as hard as I can, while in the back of my head, I feel as if I’m on a cloud, free of worries and responsibilities. Im essentially there in body, yet it carries me somewhere else mentally.

  3. obeek

    Osrick Beek THE 2280 ID

    One example where I felt the audience and stage role got blended to create a sense of double spatiality was when I went to see a comedy show. The stage was setup in a thrust proscenium style and it created a conversational vibe between the audience and comedians where the audience would engage with the comedians mid set. I felt like this was the opposite of setups like church or school that have more of a listen and learn vibe where the stage is straight ahead and its not easy to look at the people to your left or right.

  4. Henry

    Henry Brito section d273

    a moment in life where I’ve experienced a sense of double spatiality would be when I’ve used a VR (virtual reality). the way it feels like double spatiality is because you’re physically in one place, but when you put on the VR headset you’re put in a different environment through your eyes. it can make seem like you are aware of navigating two spaces at the same time. the real world is where you are physically and the virtual world is through the headset.

  5. Alexis Cisneros

    Alexis Cisneros (D273) SP2024

    A moment in my life when I experienced a sense of double spatiality was when I went to see an Ice Age short film in 4D. The video they played was in 3D and It looked as if the on-screen characters were coming out of the screen they also had real effects like water splashes and bubbles, and the chairs were moving to make it seem as if you were moving with the characters feeling and seeing what they see. I knew there were sensory effects that I knew were part of the experience, but It felt so real to the point I was immersed. It was a time when I was able to experience a sense of double spatiality and I was left with a unique experience of being in 2 worlds at once.

  6. Winson Chen

    Winson Chen, D273

    Back in middle school, I was in a school band where I played the trombone. Every year, the band would do performances for the rest of the school for different occasions. During these performances, the theatrical space would be where it was being held and consisted of the audience, the stage, and everyone in the auditorium. Meanwhile, the real space for me, and possibly for every member of the band, is the the immediate area around me which consisted of my seat, those adjacent to me, my trombone, and the stand with my sheet music. While the bigger performance is happening in the theatrical space where the music is played to a large audience, I am focused on myself and playing the part I need to correctly in my own space.

  7. Deondre Marcelle

    Deondre Marcelle D273

    I have experienced this when I know I’m being lied too. You know the truth and what actually happened so you have the image of what they truly are. Then your confused, puzzled or even angry at the new image they try to portray for this act which often times are far from what the actual image is.

  8. Tshari Yancey

    Tshari Yancey


    I have experienced double spatiality twice and it was when I went to Yankee stadium and Citi-field stadium. We as spectators look down or over at the baseball field. The building is a circle shape separated by three layers as read, outside world(entering the venue), waiting area for public( we walk to our section to the seats & buy food), auditorium(field that the building and the audience surrounds, where we can see the game & players). I worked in Citi-field as well and the performers or players have that same spatiality, entering the building known as the outside world, they walk through the tunnel which I would consider the waiting area for them. Then lastly they enter on the field(their stage).

  9. wenhui Jin

    wenhuiJin D273

    The only examples I can think of are probably the game world and the real world. The two worlds are completely different, but because we join as players, there is overlap. The reason why these two spaces overlap is because we enter the game world as real-world players, so to some extent these two spaces overlap. However, there will be no real interaction between them other than the players themselves. There is a space between the real world and the game because you are not actually in the game and the game is not in the real world, but there may also be a connection because you (the player) are playing (controlling the game). But as I said before, space separates us from the game world and the real world

  10. Yufei Lin

    Yufei Lin D273

    When I traveled last summer, a place gave me a sense of double spatiality. And the reason why I feel this way is because that area is very exquisite. First, the scene is set up almost like a scene in a cartoon, which makes me feel very immersive. Another point is the interaction between the actors playing cartoon characters, which further deepened the experience for me, plus the occasional symbols and icons I saw, the lines I heard, etc. So I think this was a moment where I experienced a sense of double spatiality.

  11. Joshua Lopez

    Joshua Lopez

    THE2280ID (D273)

    Theatrical and Real Space is a bit hard to explain. In theater words, Theatrical Space is the relationship and connection you have with the audience and actors. Real Space is how you feel deeply inside of you of the audience and actors. For example, you’re playing a role in a huge play coming up, you’re playing a character. The character has different emotions on how they feel, you just have to act it out, that’s Theatrical Space. Now, you are THE person playing that character, and you have emotions, and feelings on how you feel about the audience or actors. I have experienced both these spaces. A family member of mine prays for a certain type of religion from the Dominican Republic which is called Brujeria. Now this is where it gets interesting. This family member of mine is my aunt. When she feels happy or too excited about something, she feels another person taking over her body (and the person does), and that person controls her emotions, feelings, how she speaks and acts, etc. But my aunt (the person that is suppose to be in the body), is sleeping while this is happening. I feel that this is Theatrical Space because the person that takes her body feels exactly what she feels, and knows exactly what she is thinking. Now, when the person leaves her body, she goes insane. This is real space because now she feels what she feels, she knows what she is thinking. That’s how I see Theatrical Space and Real Space.

  12. Pierre-Ryan

    My name is Pierre-Ryan Baptiste, and I am in Section D273. The prompt asks us to talk about a time when we’ve experienced a sense of double spatiality. The closest that I’ve come to understanding the concept in practice is when we do something, but our actions and our perception of our actions or of our reality don’t match but happen simultaneously. In theater, you can always change the layout of the stage space or pretend something is there that obviously isn’t. Like in Hamilton, where the actors don’t entirely match the historical figures they are portraying, but I (as an audience member) can go along with it and seemingly forget.

    In my personal experience, the closest thing I can say I’ve experienced to that is when I play with my little brother. We run around the house and pretend there are obstacles there, or we act as though we have powers. Obviously, we know there is nothing there, and we’re just throwing pillows or playing along with whatever the other person has come up with. My brother is five, and I guess that’s why he feels comfortable changing the rules all the time, although technically there aren’t any, but we act as though there are.

  13. Conrod Shaw

    Conrod Shaw D273

    A moment in my life where I experienced a sense of double spatiality would have to be two summers ago when I went to visit my brother in Florida. I was born and raised in Jamaica for good portion of my life, after moving to the US I had not experienced warm weather outside of summer in NY. Experiencing the warm weather, seeing the bright green palm trees and even just breathing the air just gave the sensation of me being back at home.

  14. Habib Bodunrin

    Habib Bodunrin Section D 273

    A moment in life where I experienced a sense of double spatiality was when I was walking around the city tech area during my year as a first-year student. It was time when I was just exploring the area to see what lies ahead of city tech and the realistic part was that I was seeing buildings, people, plants, cars. Although every time I walk, I see a new place that feels like it was far away, which was surreal to me because it felt more of a different neighborhood. As well as the fact that it my mind asks more questions since I wanted to know what lies ahead, making everything feel like a fantasy adventure.

  15. sarah

    The experience of double spatiality that sticks out to me most is in theater. I used to act and whenever I had a show. I would have to live in the world of the play and do my best to become the character and act as if this is real and nobody is watching. While also making sure that I am performing in a way that is best suited to the audience. Making sure I speak loud, annunciate, take pauses based on the audience responses.

  16. Aaron Dylan Singh

    From reading the text I understand that when the word “Space” is used it can have a double meaning, as in the space can describe the size of the environment you’re working in. Another example would be engaging with the audience space to where it supports the piece of art so that everyone has an experience. I’ve been to a play that one of my actor classmate was apart of and understood that they used the “space” in a way that benefited them.

  17. Jeffery Chong

    Jeffery Chong Section D273

    One moment in my life where I have experienced the sense of double spatiality is when i first went to Virginia with my family back in summer break a few years ago and I’ve had this feeling that I’m living in a whole different world because of the environment and the weather conditions that I had to get involved with, which is different than it’s been back in New York. However, once I get to learn more about the country and got a better understanding about the environment around me, I finally learn to relax and have a great time with my family.

  18. Odalys

    A moment where I have experienced double spatiality was when I went to my first interview for an internship I wanted. The reason I felt like I entered a new world was from the way I entered the interview my actions, vocabulary, and the way I dressed beforehand was different from how I regularly acted and dressed. I changed my regular clothes to a more professional wardrobe with a blouse and black dress pants. I talked formally and respectfully with my interviewer.

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